July 10, 2022 (GCDC) - It began with King Gora who divided his three crowned sons Apïr (Giilø), Olwiith, and King Odiel into two clans Tuung-Nyudöla, and Tuung-Gööc. Apïr (Giilø), and Olwiith become clan of 'Tuung-Nyudöla’ and the descendant. King Odiel become the clan of 'Tuung-Gööc' and the descendant.
King Kwot who explores Abobo is a descendant of king Odiel from the 'Tuung-Gööc' clan. He was responsible for bringing Dinka/Ajweel from S. Sudan to Abobo land and created a Clan called “Tuung-Jo-Waad-Jango”, “Ajang-Jure-Kwot”, “Nyujang’, to present. He was succeeded by his son king Ngenyo Kwot follow by Revolutionary King Odiel Ngenyo (Wenyi-Julla) who crowned his three sons and one grandson.
King Gilo Odiel Ngenyo “Wara- Law” of Abobo mainland who survived by his son prince Ojwanga Gilo a veteran and a hero of the Korean war (1950-1953).
King Ojulu Odiel Ngenyo “Wara-Agoro” of Chubo-kirr (Donyingree), was a diplomat and representative of the Ethiopian parliament during Emperor Haile Selassie's regime. He was one of the rulers who invited highlanders in Anywaa’s land mainly from Walaga and Ilubabor then, now the Oromia region for the purpose of Buffalo hunting for Oromo traditional custom horns and skin for marriage and souvenirs. In return, many Anywaas went to the Oromia region during the summer and winter seasons seeking jobs in coffee plantations and harvest. King Ojulu Odiel was succeeded by his son late king Abulla Ojulu Odiel “Wara- Awaitty” who died from stress at sometime shortly after the Derg regime deposed Emperor Haile Salassie in 1974 due to physical, emotional, and physiological abuse from Derg cadres. He is survived by his son elder Prince Didumo Abulla Ojulu a veteran and retired Gambella regional health expert and his daughter princess Ajulu aka “Admittee” Abulla Ojulu who now lives in Minnesota, USA.
King Ogud Odiel Ngenyo “Winyi-Ghoche-kwaory” of Eathow-Rummo/ Abawirry/ he survived by his son prince Abacwane Ogud Odiel was born on April 01, 1953, and he died on October 21, 2003, at age 50. Abachwane Ogud Odiel lived in the USA for many years got sick and returned back home to the Gambella region and died shortly after long battling from Parkinson's disease. He was a chairperson and co-founder of GPLM (Gambella People's Liberation Movement).
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